Tuesday 8 August 2017

Managed Security – Alarming Security Statistics You Should Know

Recently, Ransomware, a known devil in the world of security threats, made a bigger splash with attacks that terrified and crippled various organizations in different parts of the world. For this reason, organizations are searching for ways to stay safe from such kinds of threats. As with some major IT initiatives, executive buy in is crucial. Resiliency and security are the key for any business that’s successful. Here are the real information security stats from 2017 that will help you establish a business case to improve security footprint and consider managed security solutions in the long run:
Based on the report of Kaspersky Lab, majority of the ransomware victims were actually running Windows. 48.5 percent of the Windows users across the globe use Windows 7. Originally, this was believed that the outdated Window XP systems have helped spread Wannacry virus. Nevertheless, the number of the affected XP machines was found insignificant. This just shows that the maturity of the cyber criminals in that updating your OS, while important, is not enough in protecting yourself from the new age cyber criminals.

More often than not, security awareness training should be the first line of defense against such cyber crimes. Poor passwords and phishing scams represent the major entry point for the ransomware and some data leaks. Sixty-five percent of the companies said that they do not enforce their policies on passwords.

The passwords that don’t expire, require numbers, case sensitive, and force minimum length can leave your company at significant risk. Since people frequently use the same passwords for different purposes, the data thieves can discover a password from one source and may use it in accessing some websites. Such kinds of social engineering attacks may get around often and the technical security measures through attacking a particular employee. With poor passwords, it’ll only be much easier to get into the systems.

Forty percent of spam email had ransomware, which ties in to the significance of educating the employees on determining fraudulent or shady emails. Ninety-two percent of the surveyed IT companies reported the attacks on their clients. Some companies turn to the managed security solutions as a way in increasing security and this statistics isn’t a knock against this notion. While the backend systems gain a security boost when moved to the cloud or MSP, the data thieves are getting in through the phishing scams as well as social engineers. Most of the attacks are defended successfully and being backed by SaaS provider may help you identify quickly and deal with various attacks that manage to get inside. Another study also mentioned that the hacks oftentimes live on your systems not detected for several months that show the significance of having proper monitoring system in place of helping detect such threats.

With the recent security statistics, it only shows that businesses should not take security easy and must be handled properly to protect their precious data and avoid becoming a victim of security threats.

For more information please see this IT Managed Security Services Provider

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